SEM is fundamentally about making potential customers aware of your business - and then driving them in for conversion to leads & sales...
SEO requires an in-depth understanding of the factors that affect your ranking, and which commercial phrases need to be targeted...
It's enormously important in today's information-rich culture to ensure that your public reputation is correctly and ethically managed...
From simple web-design to full e-commerce systems and bespoke online software solutions, we have the experience to make it work...
Search-Engines now dominate the world as the number one means to research a potential purchase or service. If you're not working to remain highly visible, while staying cost-effective, then your competitors are taking YOUR business. The vast majority of buyers now research every potential purchase online: Are potential customers finding YOU?
The constantly evolving field of SEO requires technical knowledge, years of experience, access to volumes of comparative data, and a never-ending cycle of testing and research. You can be sure that our world-class technical expertise is up to the mark. Old & out-dated link-building tactics & tools just don't cut-it anymore.
It's virtually pointless to have a great online/offline marketing strategy, if your online reputation isn't equally great. The search-engines are generally the first port of call when a customer wants any information about your business. If there's anything bad out there, or if you have a lack of good reviews and commentary, your customers will invariably go to a competitor who DOES have social 'proof' of quality & service.
Marketing has changed forever. Online access to in-depth information about your business, (as well as your competitor's,) is now a mouse-click away. Every business, no matter how small or niche, is now affected. Unless you choose to evolve inside this new way of working, your opportunities will be forever diminishing.
You must approach the design and development of your website as the vital business component it is. How it looks, acts and engages your audience is crucial to delivering results. Too many web designers choose 'artful & pretty' over ROI & function, and this is a critical mistake; a site must first and foremost fulfil it's task of creating leads, enquiries and sales.
Social Networking & Video/Media Sharing sites are BIG business. The traffic volume is simply staggering. But with all this added possibility, comes much added complexity. Too many companies are jumping onto YouTube, Twitter & Facebook etc. and spending time & money which yields no leads or sales. That's why you need a partner who understands and can work in this dynamic and complex marketplace.
From start to finish, Jason held our hand throughout the entire process. We're now finally in control of our business, and our web-traffic and conversions are up!
We've worked with several consultants over the years, but this is the first time someone has really understood us. Our eyes have been opened to several new opportunities...
I only wish we'd found you sooner; we'd have saved a lot of wasted time, money and effort. Finally, someone who really understands our business and needs!
It's been a refreshing experience! Being a small operation, we never really saw the need for reputation management, but now it's finally clicked. My only regret is that I can't turn back the clock and get on top of it sooner...
There is no 'one-size-fits-all' when it comes to commercial online marketing: Contact us today for an informal chat.
Our free PDF introduction will explain the basics of Search-Engine Marketing, Search-Engine Optimisation and Reputation Management. If you're not that familiar with the industry, then this will be a good starting point and provide some of the essential understanding and terminology. Just click on the icon.